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Managing the Impact of Stress


I'd like to say a few words about stress and how we can help to manage its impacts on us.


It's not overstating it to say that the greatest threat to our wellbeing is too much stress.


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), stress has been classified as the health epidemic of the 21st century.  The general level of worry, anxiety and unhappiness in the world is creating this worldwide stress epidemic. 


Between 75% and 90% of all visits to the Doctor are for stress-related ailments and complaints.  Stress can play a part in problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression and anxiety to name but a few.


You’ll often hear people say ‘that was such a stressful situation’.  We all know what they mean, but actually there’s no such thing as a stressful situation.  There are only stressful responses to given demands placed upon us.  In other words, stress is an internal phenomenon, that we experience when undertaking stimulating demands.


Not all stress is bad of course and healthy tension is what triggers our capability to more successfully respond to demands or challenges.  However, when stress levels reach a peak, this is where fatigue begins to set in. 


The Human Function Curve (invented by British Cardiologist Dr. Peter Nixon) illustration above, demonstrates what happens when good stress reaches a peak and becomes distress. When this happens we are unable to recover from fatigue and we move into exhaustion, ill health  and ultimately breakdown.


The good news is that, if we are aware of it, we can easily do something about the build up of stress in our system.


Meditation is a proven method of helping to combat the symptoms of built-up stress, which occurs when there is too much excitation of the mind, without a systematic approach to resting.  Sleep is no longer sufficient to keep ahead of the build up of stress, so we end up accumulating it faster than we can dissolve it.  This is where meditating regularly really helps to release stress more quickly than we would by simply relying on sleep.


The profound level of rest obtained from practicing The 1 Giant Mind Being Technique, allows deep rooted, or accumulated stress and fatigue to dissolve and we repair and replenish our nervous systems.  This enables us to go about our lives with more clarity, presence and energy.

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